Benefits of Spaying and NeuteringEvery male dog has the capacity to father hundreds of puppies. Often, intact dogs are allowed to wander at will, and they manage to find females in season with whom they mate. Unwanted puppies are born, many which are abandoned or euthanized. The ranks of unwanted pets include purebreds, approximately 30 percent. Birth control for animals is a necessity and a kindness.A sexually active dog can become infected with, and in turn become a carrier of, brucellosis. This virus is a canine social disease and can go undetected by the dog's owner. Neutered male dogs are not only less aggressive, but they are also more sociable. They are also less likely to become the attack victims of other male dogs. Spaying your femals dog eliminates the chances of uterine cancer and drastically reduces the chances of mammary cancer. Pyometra, a life-threatening disease of the uterus, cannot attack a spayed female. Spaying a female can make life with her much easier. Twice-yearly heats and attendant problems are eliminated. Amorous males are not attracted to spayed females. This will keep males from camping on your doorstep and howling beneath your window. And spayed and neutered animals will not become fat and lazy unless they are overfed or underexercised. In short, spaying and neutering animals adds years to their lives and pleasure to yours! Why Spay and Neuter? In case you run into people who think it's a good idea to breed their pet, "just once", so their kids can "experience the miracle of birth" - send them this story. Warning: - this is a sad story, but a good way to show people why NOT to breed their pets.
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