Please forgive the lack of updating to this page since Bon's passing. After one year the emotions are still strong and I have not been able to do this. I'm sorry.
Bon was born in March of 1991. As a puppy, he was shuffled around from place to place quite a bit. He was bought by a family when he was 8 weeks old and two weeks later...they no longer wanted him. A lady I used to work with was good friends with the lady who owned him and so she said she would take him...even though she knew she would not be keeping him. My husband and I were dating at the time and she knew how much we wanted to get a puppy so she asked us if we wanted him and neither of us could say "yes" fast enough!
When we got the puppy...his name was Bandit. Neither my husband nor I liked that name so we decided to rename him. My husbands favorite rock group was AC/DC so he decided to call him Bon...even though I was NOT impressed with the name. Hubby won and Bon became his name.
We decided to contact the lady who owned him to begin with for his AKC
registration papers. When we did this...she dropped them off at my job
and one look at them told me they were not legitimate. At first I thought
this lady was trying to mislead I contacted the breeder that was
on the copy and also of the person who this lady bought from. Right away
I knew it was a problem with the lady who had gotten Bon from the breeder.
We had the hardest time getting this lady to cooperate with us. She kept
telling us that she had mailed the papers and weeks went by and we were never
getting anything in the mail. We finally decided we had enough and
drove 200 miles to get the papers. They surprisingly were handed right over
to us...and all it would have cost was the cost of a stamp. Six months later,
we found out this lady was being investigated on many charges relating to
animal conditions at her place.
As a puppy...Bon went EVERYWHERE with us. I think that is why he is such a people person dog! He just loves people and craves attention! You have to give all your attention to him...and if you give one of the other dogs more...LOOK OUT! He will let you know by getting right in your face!
Three months after we got Bon...we noticed one day that one of his eyes was
constricted and the other one was not. We immediately called our vet to
have it looked at and they said that nothing was wrong with it. I did not
feel that everything was okay so I called the University of Wisconsin
Veterinary Hospital and we rushed him in. That same night he had to have
surgery on his eye because it had a puncture wound. We figured it must have
been from his "pal" the cat, because they sometimes played a little too rough.
I am very thankful for the wonderful job the UW did. He was able to retain 95%
of his vision and has no problems with it.
At the age of six months...Bon went to obedience school. I know I will sound like I am bragging but when it came to the last night of classes...the instructor had us all do offleash "come" commands and Bon was the ONLY dog that was even able to complete the whole process. I know most people tell you to leave huskies on leash at all times...and I will agree with them. HOWEVER, anyone who is willing to spend a great deal of time.....AND I MEAN A GREAT DEAL OF TIME... training their dog will benefit from the results of having a dog (any dog) off leash! Huskies are known runners so you MUST make sure to have 100% confidence in your dog and the training you have done to do this!
At nine months of age...we must have gotten the potato chip syndrome because we decided to get another husky as a companion for we felt he needed a playmate during the day. Since that day Bon and Yukon have been inseparable! They are the best of pals. If either of the two are out of site from the other at the groomers....they will let her know! Everyone who meets these two say they are just a couple of comedians!
Bon loves to go fishing with my husband. He will wait patiently by hubby until he hears the reel coming in and then he just gets so excited until he gets to sniff the fish and push him back into the water if hubby decides it is not a keeper. Such a personality....I almost think he is human at times. There are times when we tell him to do stuff the time I gave him a piece of cheese in the wrapper and told him to take it to my husband to open...and he did! Hey...never thought of that...we could be making money on commercials!*S*
Bon turned 13 years old in March of '04. This is a sad time for us as I see some signs of age starting to creep up. He still has his boundless energy...but seems to tire more easily. I pray he will be with us many more healthy years to come. There is a poem that describes this time we have with our is called 'Living Love'. It hits home deep... and most of you who have a dog that is starting to be a senior or have lost one will be able to relate well to this poem. He is very special to both of us and holds a VERY special place in our hearts!
If you would like to see more photos of Bon ...check out our photo site at:>.
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